3.00 Credits
EAM 761. Field Experience: Practicum Seminar II (Analytical Paper). Students are required to prepare an analytical paper as the culminating activity for the Educaational Specialist Specialisdt degree. Students may elect to do one of the following: (1)Conduct a field study, small-scale research project, or a pilot study. This study will address a problem which students have identified from their course work or internship. (2)Conduct a project addressing a practical issues using a scholarly base. For example, students may wnat to design a new curriculm, develop a staff development component, or build an education model. At the end of each semester, students will prepare a presentation to be given in a seminar format to all other students completing EAM 761 that semester, or interested department faculty and students and invited guests. This is not defense of the paper or project, but rather a sharing of ressults and experiences. Required for Elementary, Secondary School Principal and Superintendent Certification.